The magazine is endorsed by SAPSDA, SAVAMA, SAPMA and VAMCOSA.
“Pumps & Valves Africa” is dedicated to providing the reader with a platform to discuss and resolve problems and issues relevant to the African pumps and valves industry. The main focus of “Pipes, Pumps & Valves Africa” is to develop the pipes, pump and valves industry not only in South Africa but aims to develop the industry in all Southern African countries. Training is the main driving force in the development of the Pump and Valves Industry in Southern Africa focusing on Pump Systems as well as Seals, Electric Motors, Couplings and Drives.
“Pipes, Pumps & Valves Africa” strives to grow local manufacturing, create jobs, improve skills, and develop strong local companies that are competitive in export markets.
Our print run of 4000 is distributed throughout Southern Africa and the African continent.
An exact replica of the magazine gets emailed out to a well-researched list of mine managers and engineers working in African mines.
The magazine is also available online.