Situated on the North side of Pretoria Aquaponics Direct has recently occupied their new premises. Aquaponics Direct (Pty)Ltd, is a subsidiary of La Pieus Aqua Holdings (Pty) Ltd which was founded by the young Aquaculture en Aquaponics farmer and Entrepreneur- Rikalize Reinecke.
On Nov the 10th, 2017 she opened the very first walk in Aquaponic shop in South Africa selling aquaponicaly grown produce and equipment. She saw the growth in the market and envisioned that this will become one of the major sources for advice, product and produce supplies in the exploding industry in times to come and decided to invest in setting up a small and very basic shop. The original shop was constructed and enclosed in two Shipping containers. The shop was originally established as drop off and set off point for her commercially produced products form her commercial Aquaponic production systems as well as her Commercial Aquaculture systems. Vegetables and fresh fish was the main products.
Soon After the launch of her world renowned Lappies™ modular Aquaponic System, which the original is still operational and producing today, the enquiries for equipment and advise started to grow, as the home and hobby industries expanded.
In Jan 2020 the shop moved to her new modern and bigger Premises where she build a fabulous new shop with all the new systems and techniques on display with friendly advice and assistance.
Aquaponics Direct is one of the TOP market leaders in the supply of equipment and information on Aquaponics and Aquaculture with the main focus on,
– The DIY Lappies™ Modular System for sustainable food production.
– Manufacturing of various Aquaponic and Aquaculture equipment.
– Aquaponic system accessories and components
– Water Quality tests
– Fish Friendly pest and insect control products
– Plant and system boosters
– Grow media and Plant Propagation
– Water Pumps and Aeration equipment
– Plumbing and fittings
– Electronic Meters and test devices
– Water storage tanks and Tarps
– Greenhouse tunnels and tunnel accessories
– Fish feed
– Live fish sales
– Consultation and designs of systems
– Training in Aquaponic and Aquaculture done by – AquaPro Training Academy.