Listing content guidelines

Please follow our SEO guidelines when creating your listing. It’ll help you get the best results.

The following will not be accepted in any type of listing:

  • Contact details in the title
  • ALL CAPS titles & content (please write normal sentence case)
  • Unnecessary keyword stuffing in titles or descriptions
  • Unsavoury content not for general consumption (as per our Terms & Conditions)
  • Duplicate content with only minor location details changed will not be accepted. Each company gets a single listing. Alternatively, if you’re a franchise, please contact us for franchise branch listings in a paid account.
  • Extensive written content in hero images
  • Extensive written content, contact details or URLs in the logo image

What content is not allowed in FREE listings?

Apart from the above, we have further rules around free listings specifically and the following will not be accepted:

  • No URLs (even written without being linked) or contact details other than the company/contact phone number in the description are allowed – we specifically have these available in our paid business listing packages.
  • No email addresses – that’s what the contact form is for as we track activity across our website of which form submissions are one.

Persistence to add listings against our terms of service will result in the deletion of spam accounts.

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