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  4. How to add franchise business listings

How to add franchise business listings

The ability to add franchise branch business listings for your company is available in our Premium Packages.

Each additional branch listing comes at a small nominal fee (R10-15 per branch) and costs would depend on whether you’re taking a monthly or annual subscription.

Franchise Manager Capabilities

The listing owner would be able to lock certain fields for franchises, meaning if you want to run a promotion across all of your franchise listings, you’d be able to do so. You can also lock any other field available (like business hours, social media links, a national support number etc).

This provides big franchise chains with incredible power when doing national marketing campaigns and they can technically still update content on individual franchise listings if they so wish.

Change listing to Franchise Capable Listing

Once you have selected Premium Listing or Premium Listing Annual as your package (you can also edit an existing Free or Advanced listing to upgrade it), you’ll have the ability to check the ‘Has Franchises’ feature in your main listing. You can choose which fields to lock (meaning you can only edit them in the main listing). Once your upgraded main listing is paid, you’ll be able to start adding franchises.

Adding a Franchise

You can add a franchise by browsing your main listing when logged in, and then clicking the ‘add franchise’ button above your listing logo. We would recommend using <Franchise Name> <Location> as your default naming convention. We do offer a bulk upload function at a fee, please contact us if you have this requirement.

Advantages for hyper local marketing & SEO

If you, as a franchise chain want to look for hyper-local marketing to get feet in-store, this is the solution! You can control your national promotions and there are great advantages for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

If you’d like to set up a business call with a sales representative to answer any questions, please contact us.

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