How to do Business to Business Email Marketing

To begin this article we’re going to refer to a few frequently asked questions that we get almost daily. Following that we’ll provide a thorough list of tips & tricks.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the process of sending commercial emails to a list of subscribers that opted in to receive emails from you, to promote your products & services.

What is the difference between B2C & B2B Email Marketing?

B2B Email Marketing is usually within a curated environment and not open to the public. For example, you sell products wholesale and want to keep your approved wholesale clients up to date on products and new deals that you offer. Further, B2B email marketing allows you to communicate more confidential & personalised to a very specific audience. The argument could be made that if you tailor your content in such a way that it attracts new wholesale customers and is not sensitive information, it would make sense to run an open list (with anyone able to subscribe), but it’s up to you.

What bulk email platform should I choose?

We’ll cover this in a future article (and update this article with a link). For B2B, consider an integrated CRM platform like KEAP or HubSpot might be more beneficial to use, but straightforward bulk email systems like MailChimp, ConvertKit etc will suffice too for basic B2B email marketing.

How do I grow my B2B database?

This depends on your marketing funnel. By offering exclusivity & premium content. By offering lead magnets (eg industry reports) for signups. By lead generation campaigns (that can be extended to social media platforms).

How often should I send emails to my B2B database?

As long as you’re managing your audience’s expectations, as often as you like. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or when you have something to share intermittently. What we do know is that as long as you manage expectations and offer value, you won’t get a high churn rate.

B2B Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

  • Use personalisation
  • Split test your subject lines
  • Create unique offers & combos to keep your audience engaged
  • Highlight your B2B USP’s
  • Provide your B2B audience the resources to sell your products easier
  • Segment your audience based on purchases and potentially filter these segments into different automations.
  • Maintain your database and funnel non-engaged subscribers into re-engagement campaigns.

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