Company Profile: Swim Parka

What’s your name and designation?

My name is Janine Purdy and I own and operate Swim Parka.

Tell us about your journey. How did you get started with your business and what inspired you to do so?

I left my corporate job as a Project Manager to start my own business and benefit from increased flexibility to be a more present mom to my two young boys. Having toddlers is challenging and I noticed a common trend amongst my fellow moms that their living rooms contained small human plastic chairs and tables. I decided to design and manufacture multi-functional wooden furniture for kids. The idea was to enhance your home with sturdy, durable, sophisticated items that provide timeless versatility and style.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business and how did you overcome them?

Selling wooden furniture online was a challenge for two reasons:

  1. Shipping costs were prohibitively expensive due to the size and weight of the items.
  2. Consumers like to view high-value items like wooden furniture before purchasing.

To overcome these challenges, I changed focus in terms of product priority and promotion. I was selling a kid’s towelling robe and was approached by a mother for a swim parka. After copious amounts of research, I discovered that a swim parka was not a product produced locally but rather imported from first-world countries. I created a pattern and started with some prototypes. The product has evolved since its inception in 2016 into the swim parka we manufacture today.

What unique aspects of doing business in South Africa would you highlight (good or bad)?

I believe in women’s economic empowerment and the swim parka factory that produces our products is a sewing co-op located in the model KZN township known as Bruntville. It is incredibly satisfying working with the talented, dynamic ladies, the majority of whom are the sole breadwinners in the family.
The courier services in South Africa have advanced over the years to accommodate small businesses and the increase in online sales.

How do you differentiate your business from competitors?

Customer Service is very important to us, and our goal is to ensure that every customer is completely satisfied with their purchase.

We offer the end consumer a product that is niche and not available in your average sporting apparel store. There is a range of options for the customer in terms of colours and fabric selection for the inner lining of the swim parka (fleece or towelling). We also offer customisation so clients can have a name, logo or badge embroidered onto the garment.

What strategies have you found to be most effective in growing your customer base?

Word of mouth is the number one promoter of my brand.

What’s one mistake you made early on that you wish you could go back and fix?

I spent an exorbitant amount of money on an e-commerce website in 2012 (R100k) that was never utilised to its full potential. The money would have been better spend on product development and marketing.

What’s the most rewarding part of being a business owner?

Making a difference in the lives of the ladies who make our swim parkas as well as the positive customer feedback we receive from clients that love our products.

How do you approach innovation and staying relevant in your industry?

We brainstorm ideas about how to continually improve and advance. The swim parka is a popular product with water polo teams, and I want to start a podcast dedicated to interviews with prominent water polo players in South Africa.

How has your business adapted to the digital age, and what advice would you give to others looking to do the same?

Technology is your ally. There are so many incredible digital tools to enable the business owner to excel. My advice to an entrepreneur wanting to start their own business would be the following: Embrace technology and use every digital tool available to promote, advance and grow your business.

What advice do you have for someone just starting a business in South Africa?

Focus on your story. People love to hear about the why behind the inception of your business, the idea and your plan. Share this and people will follow.

For more information, visit Swim Parka’s listing.

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