Company Profile: Skye HD

What’s your name and designation?

My name is Jandre Barnard and I’m the owner at Skye HD.

Tell us about your journey. How did you get started with your business and what inspired you to do so?

I started in 2008 as a TV manufacturing business. I have always loved electronics, and the TV market was going through some changes. This is where I saw a gap in the market.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business and how did you overcome them?

The Biggest challenge for me was funding. Unless you’re a trust fund baby, funding is one of the biggest stumbling blocks.

What unique aspects of doing business in South Africa would you highlight (good or bad)?

I think one of the unique aspects of our country is the currency. It is essential to understand the value of your currency to the local market. As an example, the value of R1800 to a South African is more than the value of 100$ to an American. Even though it equates to the same value. Further to this certain products stop making financial sense once converted into Rands.

How do you differentiate your business from competitors?

One word – Service. The sale takes 1 hour but keeping that client for life takes serious dedication to service.

What strategies have you found to be most effective in growing your customer base?

Word of mouth. Never be afraid of communicating your other services or business ideas to your existing clients.

What’s one mistake you made early on that you wish you could go back and fix?

Not looking for investment early on. I was so fixated on organic growth that it took me longer than it should have. Probably 10 years longer.

What’s the most rewarding part of being a business owner?

For me its the challenge of taking something from a cool idea to a working saleable product. Also helping others to grow as individuals inside the company.

How do you approach innovation and staying relevant in your industry?

I visit at least 3 international expos every year. It’s important to stay relevant and to give an educated opinion.

How has your business adapted to the digital age, and what advice would you give to others looking to do the same?

Something that we tried this year for the first time is to bring our own products to market straight from the factory. South Africans have been so used to the franchise model that we tend to just accept the product being sold up to three times before it arrives with the customer. The digital age is what we do so it’s hard to say what we do to adapt. I guess keeping up to speed with international trends is essential.

What advice do you have for someone just starting a business in South Africa?

Start a business that makes money. So many people try something that just doesn’t make enough money. Yes its good to be passionate about your business, but the passion goes away quickly when you can’t pay the bills.

For more information, visit Skye HD’s listing.

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