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How to manage my (paid) subscription

If you’ve purchased an Advanced or Premium listing package subscription, you can manage your subscriptions by visiting My Account and browsing to Subscriptions.

Upgrading / Downgrading my subscription

Upgrading and downgrading are handled on the listings themselves. You can follow this guide.

My subscription is active, but my listing has expired

If you have an active subscription, but your expiry date is reached (which could be due to failed payment, or a payment gateway error), you can follow the prompts to re-activate, or cancel your subscription if you wish.

How to cancel my subscription

You can cancel your subscriptions by clicking on the subscription number and then following the prompts on the screen. Note that your listing should automatically downgrade to a free listing once the expiry date is reached.

If you’re having trouble with any of the above, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for assistance.

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