7 ways to market your small business for free

Successful marketing is all about being creative and finding new ways to get your message out. In this article, we explore 7 free ways that you can market your small business today.

1. List your business on Google Maps (Formerly Google Business)

Listing on Google Maps is a free way to put your business on the map, literally. It’s also a great way to get reviews, so save your review link and share it with customers you service.

Listing on Google Maps and verifying your business & location is the first of what we refer to as NAP citations. Having the same Name, Address and Phone number on multiple listings around the web, tells Google (and potential customers) that you are a real business. This leads to our next point.

2. List on Business Directories

Using the same NAP (Name, Address & Phone) details, create more listings on web directories (like The Business Directory) that you know get eyeballs from your potential customers in the area that you operate in. Each listing is another vote to Google and potential customers that you are a legitimate business.

3. Start doing Email Marketing

We wrote an article about email marketing where we outline the benefits and how to get started. If you have repeat business from clients/customers, this is a great way to stay top of mind. Most platforms offer free accounts to start with.

4. Start a blog

Most website content management systems allow for blogging or posting of articles. Running a blog that helps customers understand your products and services better, or that helps them take care of the products that they purchase from you is definitely an asset to have. Blogging, combined with email marketing is a powerful duo.

It’s best to blog on your main website domain and not to get a separate blog. If you don’t yet have a website, browse our site for web designers or digital marketing experts.

5. Join prominent local neighbourhood & business Facebook groups

By joining the local business and neighbourhood Facebook groups, you can follow their policies on when you’re allowed to post your services and do so within their rules of conduct. You can also reply to people requesting services that you offer.

Remember, the idea here is NOT to spam the group with unsolicited posts. Your goal should be to provide value first and if they happen to ask unless the group allows advertising (even if just on certain days which is sometimes common policy).

To find interest groups start by searching for your town or neighbourhood in Facebook search and then perhaps combine that with ‘business’ or ‘marketing’ to find interesting groups to join. Then, introduce yourself to the group if they allow that.

6. Don’t forget LinkedIn!

Having a professional LinkedIn page for your company will help potential customers see that you are serious about your business. You can link this to your personal profile (that’s another thing you have to have with an appropriate image of yourself). Sharing thought-leadership type of content on LinkedIn is a great way to increase engagement and get exposure for your company.

7. Attend Meetups & networking events

Visit Meetup.com and join some local business groups (or topics of interest in your business niche) that get together in your area. There are many ways to network for free and meet new potential clients. When you attend, it’s better to be listening & providing value than to just promote yourself. It’ll present yourself and your company in a good light to open up the potential for new business.

In summary

While marketing may not be the sexiest part of starting a new business, it is an essential part of any successful business. Marketing helps you to find new customers, reach the right people, and get your name out there in a positive light. Marketing is important for all businesses of any size, and no matter how small your business is, there are always ways to market your business. Just remember: no one likes a hard sell in a social setting, so make sure you adapt to your environment accordingly and we wish you all the best in your small business marketing efforts!

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