Free Digital PR Releases with Advanced & Premium Listings

We now offer free digital PR releases to paid subscribers. All you need to do if you’re a paid listing subscriber is contact us with your release and we’ll get it published. We do have an editorial process, so can’t promise to publish all releases (especially if they’re not up to good writing standards), but this is another added value service to paid subscribers. We will release a Digital PR Guideline FAQ soon that will help guide our paid subscribers on how best to produce digital PR articles.

We can do free digital PR on the following schedules:

  • Advanced: Quarterly Releases
  • Premium: Monthly Releases

When published, releases are shared in our weekly newsletter and also to our social media channels.

How is this different to Guest Post Contributions?

On guest posts, we don’t allow content of an overly promotional nature. On PR releases, we do allow companies to talk about new products, services or general company news and they get a bio link back to their listing.

If you’re looking to upgrade your listing today, please follow the instructions here.

Terms & Conditions Apply.

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