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  4. How to submit guest posts to our blog

How to submit guest posts to our blog

If you’d like to contribute a guest post to our blog, we will consider articles keeping the following in mind:

  • Content needs to be relevant to our South African audience.
  • Please ensure you review our existing articles to date to not repeated topics already covered in detail (unique perspectives would however be considered).
  • High-quality, helpful content about the following topics is preferred:
    • Small Business Growth, Marketing & Scaling Tips
    • Expertise & advice on any of our existing categories
  • 1000 or more unique words (we will randomly test content against duplicate content filters).
  • We reserve editorial rights to make adjustments (adding, removing or changing) to content where we see fit.
  • We require transparency on partner or client/agency relationships in guest post requests.
  • No company or agency bios (unless approved paid advertorials).
  • No direct selling of product or pitching of services.
  • Please check spelling and grammar with UK English (we recommend Grammarly) before submission.
  • Image references/source to be provided according to creative commons if any images are included. A featured image of at least 1200×630 pixels is required with no text and if larger, will be cropped down to that size by our team.
  • Existing South African business listing owners will be prioritised in the publishing queue.
  • No guarantees are made on articles being published.

If you’re interested to pitch your content idea, please contact us.

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