Feature Update: Better Advertising

This past week we’ve been busy taking care of a variety of new features, tweaks & bugs.

We worked more on the advertising system and added a new zone in our blog section. We’ve removed automated ad posting as we needed a better approval/curation process. To facilitate the advertising system we’ve gone live with our payment gateway, so manual EFT’s is a thing of the past (unless you still prefer that). We’ll be doing a lot of work behind the scenes on our ad system to give you the best chance to get in front of your intended audiences.

Updated Security

We’ve updated security to use a different captcha as we had reports of issues using V3 reCAPTCHA (do let us know if you still have issues).


We’ve added the ability to register by logging in with Google (more options to follow soon).

Listing Updates

We’ve added a second address field where you can add things like building, floor & unit number. Please do go and update your listings if your listing requires that.

Visual Updates

We tweaked some of our templates for better UX (User Experience). Please do let us know if you see anything that doesn’t look right (on desktop or on mobile).

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