Welcome to Optimise Weekly Business Blog

Congratulations! You’ve found one of South Africa’s latest business blogs.

This is not your conventional business blog…

What we’re trying to apply here is one of the fundamental principles of building a successful business: to make regular incremental improvements to optimise your business for success.

This will be the new home of ‘Feature Updates’ for The Business Directory, but also a whole new variety of topics on entrepreneurship in South Africa.

We need your input!

In our continual improvement of The Business Directory, we’re now opening the floor to those with paid listings to contribute to our business blog (in a structured way).

In the coming weeks, we’ll start conducting interviews and help provide our paid members with even more value.

In addition to pro-active content developed in association with our paid members, we will from time to time reach out to our entire database to answer specific questions within their field of expertise.

All you need to do in order to be eligible is be registered and have a listing for your business to prove your authority on a particular subject in question.

How do I stay updated?

Simply register to create an account and opt-in to join our newsletter, or alternatively, subscribe in our website footer below. And please do share this blog with your business colleagues, friends & family if you think it’ll benefit them. We’re sure it will.

Have a specific business question that you need to be answered?

Contact us to ask your question and we’ll consider publishing an answer in either our knowledge base or as a future blog post if it’ll add value to our subscribers.

In Summary

This is a South African business blog built by South Africans, for South Africans. We look forward to building our businesses together starting right now!

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